Residential Construction
Our residential construction is just as qualified as our commercial. Every home we build is built to reflect the highest quality standards and labor. We know that a home, maybe even more than a business, is a symbol to that family of their dreams and aspirations, and represents the life of the family within. We take pride in making sure that the finished product is not only something the family can be happy with in the moment, or the next near, but that it can be a cherished place for the family to foster and grow in the years to come. The home is where the heart is and we put ours into building it. Take a look below at some of the homes that we have built throughout Colorado and Utah.
Our Experience Benefits You
Mesa Construction has over 30 years of experience in building high quality residential homes of all types. We work hand in hand with the owner and their team to make sure that every detail is planned for and prepared for from the first step. Our help during pre-construction planning is a major player in our ability to outshine other commercial and residential construction companies. We also know that the owners of the projects play a critical role in keeping the ball rolling, and so we help the owners keep up with their responsibilities by creating spreadsheets with pre-choice responsibilities built into the owners schedule, thereby helping them to have all the things that they need to do on their part already listed and scheduled to keep their project moving smoothly forward.

Thanks to our decades of experience in the construction we field we know the importance of planning ahead. One example of how this benefits you, is how we handled the cementing. This process has a long lead time, and choices of materials are ordered and paid for so that they arrive in advance of work to be performed. We have found that being prepared for the cementing process and others before the day that they are scheduled to begin is a critical component to make sure projects finish on time and within budget; which is why we apply that same attention to detail all the way through from the pre-construction to the finished project.
To find more about our pre-construction process please click the button below.
Mesa Construction, top custom home builders St George Utah.
Track Home vs Custom Home
What is a track home?
A “Track Home” is the common term used to describe a house that is one among a row of houses that all share the same design. Similar to how assembly lines work in a factory, track homes are built following a step by step process, so that they can be erected one after the other in a quick and efficient fashion. Track houses in an area will share the same floor plan and layout as all their neighbors. In these cookie-cutter neighborhoods visitors are generally forced to look for house numbers to identify their friend’s home as there are few other ways to tell these houses apart on the offset. They do have their perks, as they are generally more affordable than custom homes, and there is a certain sense of camaraderie that is created from being the same or similar to someone else; however, Individuality is sacrificed in the creation of these homes, so that a larger quantity can be built faster.
Benefits of Custom Homes
Moving away from average
Have you ever lived in a home that just wasn’t your style? Where it felt too cramped, or maybe too open, and it had that one wall or half-stair that you always seemed to stumble into or trip on no matter how hard you tried to avoid it? Do you have larger feet and wonder why someone would ever build a steep staircase with short steps going down into the basement? Or maybe you have a smaller stature and find that all of your cupboards are sit just out of your reach? This uncomfortable living situation is one that many Americans find themselves in because cookie-cutter houses are built with cookie-cutter people in mind. The name of the game is average, and yet the results are most times mediocre for the residents. Why? Because people aren’t average. People are unique, and having a unique person living in an average home is bound to cause some friction.
Custom homes are more secure
“Every man’s home is his castle.”
Sir Edward Coke was correct when he made his famous statement during his court ruling in 1604. Another translation of his original latin words “domus sua cuique est tutissimum refugium.” is “everyone’s house is his safest refuge.” These words still ring true today and our belief goes hand in hand with that of Sir Coke, in that a man’s (and woman’s) house should be a place of safety and refuge from the world. One of the downsides of a Track Home is that they all share the same basic layout. This means that if someone knows how one home is set up, then they have a pretty good idea of how the rest of the houses in the area will look inside as well. With a custom home you can have a unique floor plan, so that only those trusting individuals who you allow into your home can know where things are.
Another benefit to a custom home is that you get to choose what it is made out of. From the floorboards to the roof tiles, you get to decide which materials you want to use. Mesa Construction has built many homes of different sizes, and out of many different types of materials. Our experts will work closely with you and your architects to help you choose the best quality materials to fit your needs and wants.
Pick your passion
One of the benefits of having a custom home built is that you can include a room or rooms for your passions. Are you a wine or cheese connoisseur and would like a place to put them? You can create a custom cellar to store them in. Are you a book or art enthusiast? You can have a library or art vault. Do you need a space that you can dedicate to your occupation? A studio, office or private garage are all within reach.The possibilities are endless of what you can include in your own custom home, so whether you’ve dreamed of having a secret room that only you know about, or a balcony where you and your loved ones can stargaze, at Mesa Construction we can make room for your passions in your very own custom home.
Check out a few examples of these custom interiors.

Types of Homes
In our thirty years of experience, Mesa Construction has become experts in building all sorts of high-quality, residential homes, including: condominiums, townhomes, mid-level homes, high-end golf course homes, and unique, energy-saving straw bale homes.
Read below for a short description of each.
Mid-level homes
Mid-level homes or Semi-custom homes are a great option for people who are looking for something different in their home, but aren’t interested in making all the decisions from scratch. Mid-level homes follow set plans in certain areas of the floorplan and building which means that there are less options to choose from in regards to the layout and some of the materials. For this reason they are more cost effective than full custom homes, and do generally have a quicker construction process. If you are looking for something special, but don’t need your home to be 100% custom in look or design, then this may be a great option for you.
High-end golf course homes
One of the “unspoken” requirements of living near a golf course is that you have to have a nice house. You and your property are part of the surrounding aesthetic of the golf course after all, and so it makes sense that the neighborhoods and HOAs in those areas are a bit strict on how the homes look in their jurisdiction. We are well practiced in making homes that fit right in with their posh neighbors, while still doing our best from pre-construction to the finished product of helping you have the knowledge you need to save money on high-quality materials, scheduling, and on-site situations.
Unique Energy saving straw bale homes
Straw bale homes have various perks that many people are unaware of. They can be more energy efficient, climate resistant, fire resistant, vermin resistant, and soundproof than regular homes. Straw bales are used as the main insulation and support in the walls and are covered with either a lime based plaster or stucco. The decision on what type of plaster will vary depending on the climate of the location of where the home is to be built. For further information on these unique energy saving straw bale homes, contact us at (phone) or (email).
Track homes
Yes, we also do track homes. Track houses are a great option for people who are buying their first home, living in an area short term, or making wise financial decisions to prepare for their future. We are proud of our track homes because we know that, while they aren’t a custom home, they are a home that any homeowner would be proud of.
Do you have a bathroom?
Where is the bathroom is one of the most important, and common questions that humans ask each other on a regular basis. It is also the question we ask ourselves when exploring the layout of a new house. Wouldn’t it be nice if the bathroom could be where you want it to be? It can be in a custom home, and you can have as many of them as you want. Furthermore, you can have them look how you want. Customize your bathroom, or bathrooms’ interior into your dream bathroom. You don’t have to settle for a toilet or sink set to average height. You can set things to your comfortable height and measurements. Do you prefer showers to baths or visa versa? You can pick what you want.
And the best part is that this doesn’t just apply to the bathroom.
With custom builds you get to decide where the rooms are and how they look. The bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathrooms, garage, etc, can all be built (within reason) where and how you want them to be.